HDT Base-X® Model 6D31
HDT’s Base-X® articulating frame shelters range in size from personal tents to Corps-level complexes. Base-X shelters support Base Camp, Command and Control (C2), Aircraft and Vehicle Maintenance, Medical, Chemical/Biological and Decontamination, and Industrial applications.
Available in the 100, 200, 300, 500, or Dome model series, all sizes of HDT’s Base-X shelters offer the same level of interconnectivity, durability, and ease of deployment.
Our newest articulating frame shelter, the Quick Halt / TAC shelter, is our lightest, fastest shelter system and fulfills the U.S. military’s requirement for a swiftly deployable shelter in forward operations. Specifically designed for Company-Brigade level operations, this shelter offers rapid assembly and robust construction. It serves as an ideal solution for units requiring frequent relocation to maintain stealth and security.