M13A1 Filter System

In use by the U.S. Army for over 30 years, HDT’s M13A1 CBRN filtration system is the larger of the two individual distribution CBRN systems (at 20 CFM or 34 m3/h air flow) used by the U.S. military today. In the M13A1, a filter unit supplies filtered air to vehicle crew members via hoses, providing protection against CBRN agents. Each M13A1 provides purified air for up to five people when used in conjunction with protective masks. Multiple M13A1 filter systems may be used when more than five people require protection.
Components of the M13A1 filter system include:
- M1A1-19 pre-cleaner and particulate filter assembly
- Two M18A1 gas filters, used in conjunction with the main M1A1-19 unit
- M3 250 watt heaters to warm the air in cold weather operations
- Hose assemblies and installation hardware