HDT Hunter WOLF®: Load Carry

HDT’s Hunter Wheeled Offload Logistics Follower (WOLF) is a rugged 6×6 unmanned ground vehicle. The Hunter WOLF lightens the load of infantry by carrying one ton of supplies over narrow trails, up steep slopes, and through dense jungles. Using only internal fuel, the vehicle has a 300 km (200 mile) range and 120 hour endurance. The vehicle’s diesel/electric hybrid powertrain provides both a “silent drive” and “silent watch” capability.
HDT has been developing the Hunter WOLF since 2012. We have participated in more than a dozen evaluations with the US Army, US Marine Corps, and Australian Defense Forces. The US Army Test and Evaluation Command has awarded our systems numerous Safety Releases.
The ruggedness and simplicity of Hunter WOLF make it very affordable. The system’s modular architecture and full compatibility with Robotic Operating System (ROS) protocols make the vehicle easy to upgrade and keep life cycle costs low.
HDT has developed numerous modular mission payloads for the WOLF, including autonomous navigation, “follow-me”, mine clearing flail, tethered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and CASEVAC. These mission kits are simple to install and remove.
WOLF undergoing testing by the US Army.