HDT’s Base-X® Shelters and DRASH® Shelters feature structural strength and rapid deployment. Multiple configuration and complexing options are available by incorporating vestibules, doorways, and boots for connections between other shelters, including dome shelters. HDT Base-X Shelters and DRASH Shelters are the ideal choice for military field hospitals.
Components for Integrated Field Hospitals:
- HDT Base-X Model 300 Series shelters and dome shelters and with patented folding frame technology for structural superiority and rapid set-up
- HDT DRASH C Series, J Series, and MX Series shelters are one of the standard systems used with Military Aid Stations, FSTs and C-Meds throughout the United States and around the world
- Boots to connect varying shelter types and configurations
- Ready Fold Flooring
- Radiant Barrier blankets for energy efficiency
- Heating and air conditioning
- Trailers and trailer support systems with intelligent power technology for transportable power generation
- Power Distribution Units (PDUs)
- Utility Distribution Boxes (UDBs)
- HDT DRASH Shelters can be configured with XYTEX®500 embedded inside the shelter fabric, offering 99.99% protection against microbes, mold, mildew and fungus
- Wall dividers
- Privacy curtains
- Medical beds, with mattress and self-storage IV pole
- Light kits
- Sinks and hygiene showers with hot and cold water plumbing
- Water distribution kit for showers and sinks
- Military water heater
- Wastewater isolation
- Tables and chairs
- Fire extinguisher
- Shore power cables, extension cords, power strips