HDT Global and our Reeves® EMS line of emergency management solutions are available for hospitals, or other healthcare facilities, requiring the necessary components for:
- Medical/pandemic surge events
- Casualty collection points
- Patient isolation systems
- Decontamination systems
- Remote command posts
- Fatality management centers
Should the time come your medical facility must deal with a large scale emergency that could overrun standard emergency room capacity, or may require dealing with patient decontamination procedures outside of the hospital, it is critical for you to have equipment to handle the situation ready to go.
HDT’s Reeves EMS products, along with HDT’s shelter, environmental control, air handling and filtration, and power generation products can be combined to create an integrated solution to cover any combination of shelter sizes, beds, lighting, flooring, heating/cooling, decontamination systems, air filtration to keep dangerous chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear air contaminants out of a medical shelter (or other facilities), and transportable power generation when standard power is not available. And if your emergency shelter requirements call for the deployment of a mobile command center, HDT provides all the necessary tables, chairs, audio/video, communications equipment and other essentials to equip a command center for rapid setup and operation.