Letter from the Senior Leadership Team

One of the most valued assets of HDT Global (the “Company”, “we”, “our” or “us”) is our reputation for integrity, professionalism and fairness. Our actions are the foundation for our reputation, and we must all strive to conduct ourselves in such a way that we avoid even the appearance of impropriety. It is the Company’s policy that we must conduct ourselves at all times with the highest degree of integrity – meeting the highest ethical standards and ensuring that we are complying not only with the letter but also the spirit of the applicable laws. We expect all of our employees – regardless of position – to understand and comply with our individual and collective responsibilities.

Our Company is defined by the following corporate values:

•  Safety – We share a fundamental, unwavering commitment to the safety and wellness of our colleagues, customers, and communities where we serve.

•  Quality – We commit to excellence and continuous improvement in everything we do. We deliver effective and suitable solutions to our customers and for each other.

•  Integrity – We do the right thing. We believe that our reputation is defined by actions, intentions, and convictions. We build relationships based on trust, openness, and delivering to our commitments.

•  Innovation – We foster new ideas and celebrate seeing those ideas put into practice. We solve the most challenging problems and enable new possibilities.

•  Service – We embrace the noble cause of service to others, unleashing their potential and making a positive difference every day.

These values define us and guide our relationships with each other, our shareholders, our customers, our suppliers, the government, and our communities. Our integrity, as demonstrated by how we conduct ourselves and how we deal with others, is a matter of considerable pride to us. This Corporate Compliance Program Policy (“Code of Conduct”) sets forth the minimum ethical standards applicable to our business conduct and describes a number of procedures that the Company has put in place to help ensure that we are always doing the right thing.

The centerpiece of our compliance and corporate integrity plan is you – the individual. We rely on you to not only do the right thing from day to day, but also to follow Company procedures to ensure that the Company as a whole is doing the right thing. We expect that each of you is properly trained as to your individual responsibilities and that each of you will fully understand the Company’s expectations. We are committed to offering refresher training courses on a regular basis to ensure that everyone can be armed with the latest information about rules, regulations, laws and policies. This Code of Conduct applies to all of our employees, wherever they are located, whether in the United States or abroad – including our Board, Officers and managers, agents, consultants, and contract labor.

The Company’s Compliance Officers are:

John Dotson – (216) 406-3200

Jessica Sanchez – (502) 819-4705

Micheal Thomas – (216) 469-6316

They are here to help ensure that we conduct ourselves consistent with one of our most important corporate values – integrity. They are excellent resources and can answer any questions that may arise. Additionally, you should feel comfortable in raising any compliance-related questions with other managers. Our doors are always open, and we are always interested in your comments and suggestions on how we can ensure that we are conducting ourselves appropriately. We also remind everyone that we have the toll-free Ethics Hotlines at 1-888-706-1505 (US) and 0808-234-2973 (UK), which are available for anonymous reporting, in case any issues arise that you do not feel comfortable reporting directly. You may also access the Ethics Hotline at www.HDTGlobal.ethicspoint.com.

Thank you for your commitment to the pursuit of our corporate values.

Your Senior Leadership Team

Corporate Compliance Program

The Corporate Compliance Program (the “Program”) consists of the following policies, programs, and tools:

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics, adopted by our Board, summarizes the standards that must guide our actions. This Code of Ethics applies to all of our employees (which includes members of the Board, officers and managers, agents, consultants, contract labor, as well as others persons when they are representing or acting for the corporation), wherever located. While covering a wide range of business practices and procedures, these standards cannot and do not cover every issue that may arise, or every situation where ethical decisions must be made, but rather set forth key guiding principles that represent Company policies and establish conditions for employment. (See page 4 for the complete Code of Ethics)

Compliance Training

To promote and enable compliance with the Program (as well as all applicable laws, rules, and regulations), the Company conducts mandatory compliance training for its employees, including periodic refresher training. All employees are expected to acknowledge receipt of these training courses and are required to comply with this policy. Please contact a Compliance Officer or your manager with any specific questions or to schedule a training session.

Monitoring and Auditing

In validating that our compliance policies and procedures serve as effective tools in detecting and preventing unlawful conduct, we take reasonable steps to ensure that compliance with this Program is achieved, including the monitoring and auditing of our policies and procedures. Audits may be conducted as part of an investigation or as a proactive means of monitoring compliance in areas of actual or potential risk.


Enforcement standards are publicized in this Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct, as well as in the Employee Handbook, all accessible on the Company’s intranet site.

It is the Company’s policy: (1) to take steps to prevent and detect criminal and other unlawful conduct, (2) to cooperate with any governmental investigation, and (3) in the event the law or our policies are violated, to take the necessary steps to identify the persons responsible and to take appropriate remedial actions.

Company Response, Prevention, and Voluntary Disclosures

All reports of alleged non-compliance and violations will be responded to and investigated promptly and appropriately to prevent further similar violations and to identify the extent and nature of past violations, if any. Violations that involve criminal behavior will be reported to the appropriate government authorities.

When appropriate, the Company will voluntarily disclose to the relevant governmental authorities any violations of this Compliance Program. Such a decision will be made by a Compliance Officer after consultation with the Senior Leadership Team, the Legal Department, and (as appropriate) the Board.

Employee Responsibilities

Each employee is responsible for knowing and understanding his or her responsibilities in complying with this Program. All employees will be required to acknowledge that they have been given and are familiar with this Compliance Program, and employees are encouraged to consult this Program and a Compliance Officer often to ensure that their conduct is proper. As already noted above, mandatory training will be provided by the Company, but it is the responsibility of each individual employee to attend these training sessions.

How an employee conducts him or herself with respect to this Program will be taken into account in connection with annual evaluations, promotion opportunities, pay increases, and bonuses. Failure to comply with its requirements may also result in disciplinary action, including termination.

Expectations of Our Suppliers, Subcontractors and Partners

Not only do we expect the highest degree of integrity from our own employees, but it is required that our suppliers, subcontractors and business partners are familiar with our Code of Conduct and comply with its principles. We encourage all of our business partners to familiarize themselves with our policies and to implement procedures within their own companies to ensure that they are similarly complying with the highest standards of business ethics.

Compliance Officers and Compliance Department

The Compliance Officers are responsible for the day-to-day administration, implementation, and oversight of ongoing compliance under the Program. The Legal, Contracts, and Compliance Group is responsible for advising the Compliance Officers and assisting in the development and implementation of the Program. The Legal, Contracts, and Compliance Department reports directly to the HDT SVP and General Counsel and, where appropriate, directly to the Board of Directors.

Open Lines of Communication

We encourage all employees to report any suspected violations promptly. The Company will not tolerate any kind of retaliation for reports or complaints regarding misconduct that are made in good faith. Open communication of issues and concerns by all employees without fear of retribution or retaliation is vital to the successful implementation of the Code of Conduct and our future success.

The Company maintains a Hotline reporting mechanism through which employees can submit a report or seek guidance without fear of retaliation. This reporting system can be accessed at 1-888-706-1505 (US) and 0808-234-2973 (UK) or at www.HDTGlobal.ethicspoint.com. Communications to the Hotline may be made anonymously. The Hotline is staffed by an independent company that does not trace phone calls or internet addresses related to information it receives.


Compliance with International Law

Company personnel will comply fully with all anti-bribery laws applicable to the conduct of their business, such as the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), the UK Bribery Act 2010 (“UKBA”) and those laws enacted pursuant to International Conventions.

We will not offer, promise, or provide any undue monetary or other advantage (e.g., payments, gifts, hospitality, as well as political contributions or charitable donations) to public officials, political parties or candidates or to any private party, in order to obtain or retain business or to gain any other improper advantage in the conduct of our business.

Company personnel will not accept any offer or promise of pecuniary or other advantage by way of inducement to affect the proper performance of their duties, and will report immediately any attempt to influence their actions in this way.

Facilitation Payments

Many countries prohibit facilitation payments, including the UK through the UKBA. In recognition that facilitation payments undermine our integrity and the integrity of those we deal with, even where such payments are not prohibited by law, we prohibit facilitation payments.

Additional Compliance Standards and Changes to the Program

Additional policies, procedures and guidelines applicable to our business operations are included on the Company’s intranet site. These policies, procedures, and guidelines are updated periodically. You are encouraged to consult the on-line versions to ensure you are reviewing the latest updates.

Code of Ethics
Ethical Business Conduct
False Claims, Statements or Certifications
Proper Marketing Practices
Security of Proprietary Information
Conflicts of Interest
Proper Use of Company, Customer, and Supplier Resources
Important Federal Defend Trade Secrets Act Notice
Required Sources for Supplies and Services
Global Trade Compliance

Global Trade Compliance refers to the laws and regulations that govern exports, imports, sanctioned entities and denied or restricted individuals. These laws are very important and they are extremely complex. The export laws apply to hardware, software, technical data, technology and services.  It is important to note that an “export” under these laws can occur when export-controlled information is released to any Foreign Person (defined below), even if the Foreign Person is located  in the United States. It is important to address these global trade compliance requirements with the Compnay’s Director of Trade Compliance prior to pursuing business with foreign companies or foreign governments or committing to any delivery overseas, even if the delivery is to the U.S. Government. The applicable laws and regulations depend on the type of goods, technology, or services being exported or imported and the intended destination. The primary U.S. Government agencies responsible for regulating and monitoring global trade requirements are summarized below. The Company manufactures and sells products subject to each of these laws and regulations:

Agency Regulation Controls
U.S. State Department International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR) Exports (permanent or temporary) and permanent imports of items on the United States Munitions List (USML) and foreign defense articles entering the United States
U.S. Commerce Department Export Administration Regulations (EAR) Exports of items listed on the Commerce Control List (CCL)
U.S. Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Controls (OFAC) Establishes sanctions on countries and denied or debarred entities and individuals

Violations of export/import controls can harm U.S. national security and foreign policy. Penalties for violations are severe and can include monetary penalties, imprisonment, and suspension of export and Government contracting privileges. Early coordination with the Company’s Director of Trade Compliance and Legal Department  is critical. All questions relating to the Company’s import/ export requirements should be directed to:

Jessica Sanchez,
VP and Chief Compliance Officer
(502) 819-4705

Specific Trade Compliance Requirements for U.S. Person Employees Working Abroad


Antitrust Compliance
Whistleblower Laws
U.S. Government Audits and Investigations
Working Environment
Prohibition Against Trafficking in Persons